Spoiler Alert: I’m Terrible at This
I’ve resisted starting a blog since I was 16 years old (I’m 30 now, for those keeping track). I grew up in the age of blogging and read endless articles about how every successful writer had to have a blog. I also read the key footnote to every one of those articles: a blog is only worthwhile if you update it regularly.
On one hand, I completely understand that. No one likes going to a website that feels like it’s draped in cobwebs, long forgotten by its creator. It doesn’t inspire confidence, and it doesn’t make everything feel very current.
However, I also know that with my ADHD, I have an impossible time staying consistent with any of my online presence. I’ll do really well for a while, then find some shiny new place to spend my time in the grand world of the inter webs, abandoning my previous location for months at a time.
It felt worse to risk this with a blog, because a blog on my website feels more like a part of me. Even if no human out there cared that I failed to update it, I knew that I’d worry that someone did.
As we start 2024, I’ve decided to chuck that fear into the abyss where it belongs.
I may stop updating this for weeks (months… years…) at a time at some point. I may never get into a regular schedule like all those shiny bloggers I admire. But you know what? I’ve decided that’s okay.
Sometimes, I have things to say (sometimes I have a LOT to say), but sometimes I have nothing I really need to share. I’m not going to waste your time (or mine) trying to pretend. Doing a task just because some imaginary rule says I “have to” is basically my ADHD-powered-brain’s worst nightmare, so I’m giving myself permission from the start to just… not.
So why am I telling you all this?
Because being honest and saying what’s really on my mind is what I do. I’ve never been good at “playing the game” or pretending to be something I’m not, and I don't plan to start now. I’m a wildly imperfect, deeply passionate writer who is excited to share their thoughts.
You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll wonder why the hell you’re still reading this and then keep reading anyway.
What you won’t have are regular updates. #SorryNotSorry
All this to say: welcome! I’m glad you’re here. I think we’ll have a lot of fun together.
If you want to encourage me to actually return to this (or you just want to say hi), please leave a comment! I love hearing from people, and engaging is the #1 way that I actually stay focused on a particular type of media. Consider leaving your email in the contact area, too, if you’re interested in getting a newsletter someday.