A few familiar faces I’ve worked with.

Experience With Licenses & IP

The first thing to know about me is that I am a giant nerd. Comic Con art prints in frames on my wall kind of nerd. Pets named after my fandoms kind of nerd.

You get it.

Anyway, throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to work with a variety of officially licensed/IP product. Some examples of these past experiences are below, as well as a list of some IP that I’ve never gotten to officially work on but would do so in a heartbeat.

If you’re looking for someone to help with you IP project (whether it’s one of the things I listed or not), please reach out! I love this area of work and am always eager to collaborate to bring some beautiful new slice of geekiness to life.



  • Marvel



    Star Wars

    Star Trek

    Harry Potter

    Schitt’s Creek

    The Office

    Golden Girls


  • Zelda


    Animal Crossing



  • Lego

    Dr. Suess

    Strange Planet

    Morgan Harper Nichols



    My Little Pony

    Hasbro Games


Bestselling Pokemon Card

  • Wrote and edited the copy for this card using fan knowledge, card knowledge, and research.

  • Collaborated with my design partner to pitch the idea of an adult Pokemon card.

    • At the time, our partnership with the licensor was very new.

    • This was the first adult Pokemon card for the company and helped us establish an ongoing work process with the licensor.

    • Since then, there have been a variety of high performing cards with this licensor.

  • As of 2022…

    • Ranked #1 in organic search results on Amazon

    • Tagged as an “Amazon’s Choice” selection

    • 1,500+ 5 star reviews, average rating of 4.9

    • 100+ cards bought in July 2023 alone

Bestselling Star Wars Card

  • Wrote and edited the copy for this card using fan knowledge, card knowledge, and research.

  • Created a fresh take on Star Wars by diving into deeper fan knowledge with subtle details such as the order of the “I Love You”/”I Know” quotes paired with the characters and the backgrounds from the same movie.

  • As of 2022…

    • Ranked #3 in organic search results on Amazon, #1 for non-pop-up cards

    • Tagged as an “Amazon’s Choice” selection

    • 983 reviews, average rating of 4.9

Bestselling Mario Card

  • Wrote and edited the copy for this card using fan knowledge, card knowledge, and research.

  • Collaborated with design partner to pitch this card as the first adult Nintendo card that the company did. It has been a bestseller ever since and has led to multiple other bestselling Nintendo & Mario cards.

  • Intentionally left the sending situation open so that it could be sent by a variety of recipients for a variety of reasons.

  • As of 2023…

    • Ranked #1 in organic search results on Amazon

    • Tagged as an “Amazon’s Choice” selection

    • 1,720 reviews, average rating of 4.9

  • Alien holding cat saying "I found this, it's vibrating."


    We must interact with it despite the risk of injury.

  • Four panel cartoon showing aliens and birthday cake. Comments include: This is where the planet was when you emerged. / And now we sing. Okay I'll stare at you. / This is on fire. I will exhale on it! / Extinguish! Extinguish! Extinguish!


    I commend you on your continued existence.

  • Aliens holding wine, saying "This is our oldest liquid. Not remotely fresh."


    Lifting a beverage several inches aloft to commemorate you.

  • Cartoon of two aliens, one giving the other a present. Dialogue reads: "Now you possess this. / So unnecessary." "I want to observe concealment destruction. / Now?" / "Destroy the concealment. / It is so beautiful." / "Destroy now I want to observe."


    May your day of existence remembrance involve much enjoyable destruction.

Strange Planet Collection

  • Directed the editorial for this collection, including by commissioning new writing for the insides of the cards from our staff writers and getting the insides approved by Nathan Pyle.

  • Worked with writers on channeling the “voice” of Strange Planet cartoons and establishing a sending need for each card.

  • New for Summer 2022, available online and in Brick & Mortar stores

  • Greeting card cover showing David Rose from Schitt's Creek holding a drink and saying, "I'm trying very hard not to connect with people right now." Inside says, "I've m Ade an exception in your case. You're welcome.
  • Cover of greeting card is a photo of Alexis Rose from Schitt's Creek saying "Apparently cards are like a thing now" Inside says, "and look at you, getting one from me! Love that for you."

Schitt’s Creek Amazon Pair

  • Worked closely with visual partners to pitch concepts that were in the character voices and featured iconic looks for both Alexis and David.

  • Led writers in crafting card copy in the character voices.

  • One of the first cards approved by Dan Levy’s team for the new licensing relationship.

  • New for Fall 2022, however as of summer 2023…

    • Ranked #1 in organic search results on Amazon

    • Nearly 50 reviews, 5.0 rating

    • 100+ cards sold in July 2023 alone

Dream IP to Work On

Gilmore Girls

Our Flag Means Death

Avatar: the Last Airbender

Studio Ghibli

Doctor Who




Lore Olympus


Product Examples